Hello and Welcome

 HOPE stands for Helping Other People Endure.  I pray that this website can provide those that join the HOPE community with the peace of Christ during these times of economic troubles.  The purpose of this website is to provide others with prayerful support while enduring economic challenges, job opportunity information, money saving ideas and recipes as well as a hand when needed around the house.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Cut out 1 meal a week:)

We've saved money lately by cutting out one dinner a week...instead, that one night a week we have breakfast for dinner! It's actually quite fun. We make potatoes, eggs, maybe an omelet, or waffles. Saves money!


  1. Here is another way to make this less expensive- a Ramen based meal with little to no meat augmented with frozen veggies on sale. Or, a tuna and macaroni and cheese. BTW, both of these are on sale this week at Harris Teeter.

  2. Another money saving couple of ideas:

    They have the whole HBO miniseries of John Adams at Blockbuster- seems like worth while entertainment, I'll let you know. I have considered buying the series through Amazon but I am happy to watch it first. Then I will know if I should give the whole thing on video as a gift or recommend it with a BB gift card for future presents for family members who are history buffs.

    This week Harris Teeter has their natural ice cream on sale for five half gallons for the price of two. The HT naturals compares in quality with Breyers all natural ice cream- really good stuff. If you aren't into stocking up on extravagances the single price is around $2 a half gallon- great deal!
