Hello and Welcome

 HOPE stands for Helping Other People Endure.  I pray that this website can provide those that join the HOPE community with the peace of Christ during these times of economic troubles.  The purpose of this website is to provide others with prayerful support while enduring economic challenges, job opportunity information, money saving ideas and recipes as well as a hand when needed around the house.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


This post will have a monthly prayer on it.  Please feel free to comment with personal prayer requests.  Also, remember in your prayers the petitions others leave on this blog.

Heavenly Father,
  We pray this month that we may give hope to others while they struggle with economic difficulties.  Please help us to live as Christians trusting in you and knowing that you will always guide us and take care of us.  We trust in your Divine Will for our lives.

Our Lady of Hope...Pray for us.


1 comment:

  1. We have lots to pray for right now, but our two biggest intentions are that God will provide the right buyer for our house at the right time, and for a healthy labor and birth of our second child!

    Thanks everyone for helping us pray for these things! ;)
